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CES 2022 Highlights, Part 1: Planes, Train...
CES 2022 Highlights, Part 1: Planes, Train...

Logistics aside, CES 2022 was as forward-looking and inspiring as previous years. Today’s recap delves into Transportation and Mobility.

TV & Video News 1.6.22
TV & Video News 1.6.22

Aggregation without Aggravation
Aggregation without Aggravation

Mark Chloupek, CorePoint’s EVP Reminisces ...
Mark Chloupek, CorePoint’s EVP Reminisces ...

We recently had a conversation with Mark Chloupek, EVP and General of CorePoint Lodging.  Mark is a long-time friend and a member of the Active Travel Advisory Board.

Procurement Foundry’s Dollars and Sense Fo...
Procurement Foundry’s Dollars and Sense Fo...

On Thursday, August 5th, at Procurement Foundry’s Dollars and Sense Forge Virtual Conference, Jeff Pappas, Active’s SVP Risk Management was joined by Taylor Glaze, Director of Corporate Services from N ...

Bob O’Neill, A 2021 Hall of Mentorship Hon...
Bob O’Neill, A 2021 Hall of Mentorship Hon...

The IRTS Foundation has named our very own, Bob O’Neill, EVP, Media Director, as a 2021 Hall of Mentorship Honoree, for his support and dedication to their organization.

The Benefits of Incorporating Trade/Barter...
The Benefits of Incorporating Trade/Barter...

In our first installment of The Benefits of Incorporating Trade/Barter in a Media RFP, we briefly discussed why more companies are RFP-ing barter companies either while they are conducting an Agency of ...

Cable without the Cable: “Cord Kindas”
Cable without the Cable: “Cord Kindas”

Carl Mayer, Director, Integrated Media/Active Entertainment discusses the NewFront presentations emphasis on how streaming video will continue to shape the media economy and culture at large—making now ...

Looking Beyond COVID-19
Looking Beyond COVID-19

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head, but only a few lines? Well, recently, while viewing numerous presentations predicting changes that will permanently impact society post-COVID, Reflections ...

The Streaming Video Landscape, Part 1
The Streaming Video Landscape, Part 1

In the first of our three-part series, Active’s Zachary Santucci explores the evolving streaming video landscape and what that means for how media is purchased.

Active Currency: Transforming Under-Perfor...
Active Currency: Transforming Under-Perfor...

Kevin Farkas for Procurement Foundry

CES 2021 Takeaways, Part 2
CES 2021 Takeaways, Part 2

I knew going into CES 2021 last week that there would obviously be a focus on health and hygiene. So, welcome to Part 2, my final wrap-up on CES; all things Pandemic Lifestyle.