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Active TV Media News – 4.23.20
Active TV Media News – 4.23.20

A curated list of articles covering TV Media and the Pandemic (4/16/20 – 4/23/20).

Providing CARE in Ad Messages: 8 Noteworth...
Providing CARE in Ad Messages: 8 Noteworth...

As we watch more TV and TV commercials, we see daily examples of brand marketers that are getting CARE right. Here is a look at 8 brands that we think are noteworthy.

Showing CARE: 8 Brands That Are Getting It...
Showing CARE: 8 Brands That Are Getting It...

These days, Advertisers are showing their compassionate side and stepping up with reminders that their brands are here to help and will be there when we all get to the other side of the Covid19 Crisis.

Brands Need It. Show Them You CARE.
Brands Need It. Show Them You CARE.

Thoughts on what Brands must provide though COVID-19.

Consumers Crave It. Show Them You CARE.
Consumers Crave It. Show Them You CARE.

Thoughts on engaging with customers through Covid19.

Active Joined the RAIN Podcast Business Su...
Active Joined the RAIN Podcast Business Su...

Jason Endres, Associate Media Director of National Audio, shares his key takeaways from the RAIN Podcast Summit last week.

Podcasting on the Rise with Measurement Fo...
Podcasting on the Rise with Measurement Fo...

In recent months, the industry has taken multiple steps forward to provide brand advertisers more confidence in the medium, with advancements in attribution, measurement, and research tools. Here’s a l ...

Inventory’s Impact Ripples Throughout the ...
Inventory’s Impact Ripples Throughout the ...

What are the reasons for inventory management success or failure? To answer that question, we convened a panel of industry experts using the Currnt platform.

Agency View – ROI on Agency Culture
Agency View – ROI on Agency Culture

Agency View is Active’s take on “What’s Next” for agencies, marketers and the industry.

Agency View – 2020 Election Year: Na...
Agency View – 2020 Election Year: Na...

Agency View is Active’s take on “What’s Next” for agencies, marketers and the industry.

Agency View – The Cost of New Business
Agency View – The Cost of New Business

Agency View is Active’s take on “What’s Next” for agencies, marketers and the industry.

Agency View – Staffing Strategy: The Liqui...
Agency View – Staffing Strategy: The Liqui...

Agency View is Active’s take on “What’s Next” for agencies, marketers and the industry.