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What's New Video News 5.2.24


Increase Customer Loyalty Through Omnichannel Retailing

When Customers can be Anywhere

What happens when shopping habits change at the speed of impulse?
What are the new metrics associated with physical stores?
How can retailers deliver a personal shopping experience from anywhere, at any time consumers want it?
How do you provide meaningful, omnichannel points of entry for every consumer segment?

And after all that, what comes next?

You Need to be Everywhere

At Active, we help retailers move beyond transactions. To think beyond what’s trending right now and see what could be next. To see it as a chance to reinvent themselves. Using analytics to optimize inventories and liquidate those that are no longer relevant. To not only reach customers, but build meaningful relationships and increase customer loyalty.

It’s omnichannel retailing or obsolescence retailing. Is the frame of online sales to physical store sales even relevant anymore? It’s not a competition between physical and digital channels – it’s an omnichannel dance. Perhaps the better question to ask is how to create what Nike’s Chief Design Officer, John Hoke, refers to as a “plural reality of the physical space and the digital space.”

Operations needs to support the brand strategy. Instead of asking whether or not to shutter retail doors, what if you asked what role do physical stores play in your brand’s relationship with the consumer? What are the critical operational and experiential aspects needed to deliver against your brand purpose?

Retail reinvention is no longer optional.

We’re here to help you make the most of the opportunities ahead.

With Meaningful Engagement at Every Step

Start with the consumer. It’s no longer enough to bridge the gap between digital and physical shopping to be omnipresent. Brand engagement must to be “omni-relevant”. What if your customers became partners in the development process? Imagine co-creating products and services they truly desire all while increasing engagement and building a community of brand evangelists.

Invest in the experience to increase loyalty. 71% of c-suite retail executives expect to place more emphasis on customer experiences than products over the next few years. [source: IBM] What if your physical stores didn’t carry any inventory at all? What if they were purely dedicated to strengthening consumer connection, improving customer loyalty, gathering data, increasing engagement, and building awareness of new offerings?

Create an ecosystem of omnichannel retailing. Instead of just focusing on selling products, think about opportunities to create a more dynamic retail ecosystem. What value might food service, entertainment, education, health and wellness companies bring to the ecosystem?

What could your retail business look like if lived and breathed a fluid omnichannel retail experience – not just connecting physical and digital worlds, but making them one and the same.

It could transform worlds of possibility into positive business outcomes.

Outcomes we make possible every day. Ask us how.

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