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Travel & Hospitality

Create Innovative Travel & Hospitality Experiences

When you realize

How do you pivot when your competition becomes every home owner in the world?
What changes when travelers value personal touches and unique travel experiences more than common comforts?
How do you build brand loyalty when guests increasingly shop through online travel agencies that list seats and rooms as commodities?

New Travel Experiences

At Active, we see the possibilities for brands with the perspective and commitment to adapt to new consumer expectations in travel. To embrace technology in ways that deliver a better experience and build brand equity. To harness travel disruption and turn it to your advantage.

Reward points are no longer enough to maintain brand loyalty. Travelers expect a level of luxury travel experience and personalization on a mass scale. And they have more leverage than ever to let their demands be known – bad reviews can damage your business overnight.

One of a kind is the new standard. Travelers are no longer content with simply booking standard rooms and getting stock restaurant recommendations from the concierge. They’re shopping for bespoke travel experiences that can deliver the authentic local flavor they crave.

Be accessible to the masses and intimate with the loyal few. Relationships between online travel agencies and travel service providers remain an ongoing struggle. While hotels and airlines focus more effort on going direct to consumers to strengthen brand loyalty, keeping airplane seats filled and properties full is an ongoing struggle. With just a few swipes in a travel app, today’s consumers can compare more hotel and private accommodation options than ever before.

Demand for travel remains high, but so does the bar to compete in this market.

We can help you turn those travel industry challenges into opportunities.

Learn more about how we’ve helped travel brands discover new opportunities.

You Get it for Them

Think beyond selling seats and rooms. Think instead of being in the business of rewarding guests, building communities, and creating travel experiences. Explore opportunities to deliver more personalized, local experiences to not only drive incremental revenue, but build greater brand distinction and gain more insight into what your consumers value.

Collaborate to innovate. Embracing a collaborative, rather than competitive, approach could likely open more opportunities. How can you leverage consumer travel data to target the travelers that are most relevant to your business?

Keep it human and make it personal. Investment in technology is a must, however, the reason people are driven to travel in the first place is to step back and experience what it means to be human. How you can use technology to create more authentic travel experiences grounded in human connection? Or leverage data to understand the moments of personalization that matter the most?

Imagine the possibilities that come with the ability to deliver personalized experiences at scale.

Imagine transforming those possibilities into positive business outcomes.

Outcomes we make possible every day. Ask us how.

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