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Active wellness

Active Wellness

Active supports a healthy work-life balance and take great strides to support and promote employee wellness, with programs including exercise incentives and healthy dining options. Active Wellness launched in 2008 to promote and support healthy practices and to bring wellness education to our workplace.

Sample Benefits

Active’s homegrown, grass-roots, incentive-based program has evolved into a robust part of Active International. Through Active’s work with the Rockland County Department of Health during their “Creating Healthy Work Places” endeavor and “Steps to a Healthier Rockland” Program, we have been recognized with several awards over the years. We are also deemed a Fit Friendly Company by The American Heart Association.

Active Wellness offers walking challenges, on-site screenings, yoga and meditation classes, and lunch-and-learn programs covering many subjects including environmental education and self-empowerment.

In 2015, we were the first company in Rockland County to collaborate with the Rockland Farm Alliance for our Farm to Cubicle Program. We have worked jointly with a local healthy food caterer, Rockland Roots, to bring lunch to those employees interested in opting for food beyond the cafeteria. We also brought Weight Watchers to Active, running several 12-week, on-site programs with great participation.

Cancer Screenings

Active provides time off to employees for cancer screenings. Employees may use up to four hours for a breast cancer screening and up to eight hours for a colonoscopy.

Employee Assistance

Through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), we offer our employees work-life balance support for everyday challenges such as childcare, health, relationships, financial planning, stress management, and career development.

Wellness Incentive

Active’s Wellness Program offers a wellness incentive, awarded for the six-month periods ending in June and December. Any employee may qualify for $100 toward their health insurance contribution or to take a half vacation day.

Exercise Facility Reimbursement

Employees and their partners who participate in Active’s health insurance plan and are members of an exercise facility may be eligible for monetary benefits.